These days the eBay Inc. - one of the biggest American Internet companies is going to make some changes in its fees. Some of them are going to be higher, some of them should be trimming. If this is a good step only the time will show, but some of the eBay's top sellers already think it will not be a good step. The eBay Inc. manages & an online auction, it means it is the website where people around the world can buy and sell various goods and services. As a registered user you can start to merchandise with any type of goods such as computers, furniture, all kind of technology devices such as mobile phones, mp3 players, you can even buy or sell vehicles, in one word - whatever you want to. You can buy here anything and you can be sure that everything is legal because eBay has its Prohibited and Restricted Items policy. This kind of business was founded in California in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar, Iranian computer programmer and this web site was first time used by public in 1998. From that time Pierre Omidyar became a millionaire and eBay one of the most used online auction web site. eBay is preparing its price changes to take effect on February 20. eBay is going to change price of listing an item for auction, it should cost 25 percent less and also you should pay 50 percent less for offering something for a fixed price. Another good step is that for using Gallery you won't have to pay anything. On the other hand you as a seller will have to pay higher commission for sold items. This growth of commission will be shown the most on the items selling for less than 25 USD where the commission increase will be 3.5 percent higher. Another change will eBay make in the comments system & only good comments will be permitted. As the eBay said the main reason for this change was the fact that most of the buyers were afraid to complain or write any negative comment just from the fear of the revenge from the seller. The third change will have a form of support which will eBay give to the biggest sellers & they will have some fees discounts. Even though I have never tried to buy or sell anything through eBay some of my friends did and they have never complained and all of them told me it is great. One of the advantage is that you will pay less than usual and you can do all this business while you are sitting at home and drinking coffee. You just have to find what you like, click on few links and your new mobile phone or whatever you ordered will come to your home. Concerning the Slovaks and Czechs are usually buying items through eBay, these changes look as a good bargain for them. Maybe I start to think about buying something small on eBay too.
By Barbora Misakova; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Spory ohľadom veku Zeme
Viete, ako dlho už je na Zemi život? Viete, ako život na Zemi začal? Myslíte si, že živé organizmy boli stvorené Bohom? Alebo si myslíte, že sme sa vyvinuli z rozličných mikroorganizmov alebo z primátov? Nikto by nevedel presne odpovedať na tieto otázky, pretože každý z nás verí niečomu inému. Avšak vedci a výskumní pracovníci sa na ne stále snažia nájsť odpovede, aj na rôzne otázky existencie. Výskum nevysvetliteľných vrstiev skaly v Západnej Austrálii bol vykonaný francúzskym tímom výskumníkov z Inštitútu globálnej fyziky v Paríži. Použili technológiu známu ako nanospektroskopia, aby skúmali vnútrajšok vyvŕtaný zo skalného útvaru. Tento región sa volá Pilabra a je veľmi známy pre svoje skalnaté vrstvy, ktoré majú tvar kuželov, vĺn a vajcovitých kupol. V posledných týždňoch bol tento región plný vedcov, najmä paleo-geológov z celého sveta. Aj títo výskumníci majú rozličné postoje. Niektorí z nich si mysleli, že v tých vrstvách sú fosílie baktérie nazývanej stromatolit, ktorá žila v sladkej alebo slanej vode ranom veku Zeme. Iní ľudia si myslia, že tie tvary sú výsledkom reakcie medzi skalou a morskou vodou. Pátranie, vedené Kevinom Lepotom, dátovalo tieto skaly na 2,72 miliardy rokov. Ďalší výskum, vedený Abigail Allwoodovou, prišiel na to, že mikrofosílie z týchto skál sú 3,4 miliardy rokov staré. Teraz ešte musíme čakať na novú štúdiu, ktorá sa objaví vo februári, aby odhalila pravdu.
Autor: Sandra Stoklaskova; preklad: Ing. Barbora Krajíčková
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Autor: Sandra Stoklaskova; preklad: Ing. Barbora Krajíčková
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Insurances in a tight situation
The UK insurance market is going through a more unsteady situation lately due to a modest reduction in capacity this year created by increasing concerns about falling prices for insurance and reinsurance in many areas of the market. The maximum volume of insurance premiums the market can accept in a single year, based on the amount of its capital backing, would be £15.95bn ($31.64bn) this year, while in 2007 was a record of £16.1bn. It is the first time that capacity has fallen since 2005; however it is less than some analysts had forecasted. Lloyd's cautioned on Monday Lloyd's against reckless underwriting amid getting worse market conditions. An increase in capacity, or an insufficient reduction at this point in the cycle, could unease the market, according to some analysts. The key issue is how much of the capacity is actually used, because Lloyd's says it is an indication of how much business its insurers could write and Chris Hitchings, an analyst at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods reveals that a significant amount of capacity had come into the Lloyd's market during 2007. If there would be a comparison of the situation at the end of 2007 with that at the beginning of 2008, the result would show a decrease. Because of rivalry with others insurance markets such as Bermuda and Dublin, with friendlier tax regimes and a lighter regulatory touch, Lloyd's finds in a delicate situation and has to prepare better, especially due to the small number of claims under directors' and officers' policies, relating to the crisis in the US subprime mortgage market that it had received. The entire global insurance and reinsurance market is expected to receive as much as $4bn-$5bn claims as a result of the subprime crisis, said analysts at Clear Capital. What will happen next and what can you do as a possible claimer is to search and see. Enjoy!
By Claudia Sonea; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
By Claudia Sonea; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
SigEx meets the high expectations
When SigEx SuperBPX, the fastest growing telebroadcasting communications provider, announced its equity growth for fiscal 2006 it was a success for the company recorded total equity of euro 159 million. And in FY 2007 ended September 30 the company did not fail to come up to the high expectations. "This has been a fast-paced quarter for social entertainment properties," said Frédéric Atru, SigEx President and Chief Operating Officer. The reported total equity for FY 2007 ended September 30 2007 is euro 347 million, which is 118 percent increase as compared to the previous fiscal year. Equity is reported on a gross network basis. The equity growth for FY 2007 is reported euro 118 million. It is 96 percent increase compared to FY 2006, where equity growth totaled euro 96 million. And compared to FY 2005 with equity growth euro 25 million it is astonishing 652 percent increase. Only the last quarter of 2007 experienced euro 98 million up representing 27 percent gain in comparison to the same period last year. By the end of FY 2007 share price increased by 117 percent at euro 30,80 from euro 14,20 at the end of FY 2006. The growing network of international clients the company is connected with is its driving force.
By Zuzana Zelenakova; edited by Barbora Krajickova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
By Zuzana Zelenakova; edited by Barbora Krajickova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Disputes about the age of the Earth
Do you know how long there is a life on the globe? Do you know how the life on the earth began? Do you think that the living organisms were brought into existence by God? Or do you think that we grew up from different microorganisms or from primates? No one could answer these questions exactly, because each of us believes in a different opinion. However, scientists and research workers are still trying to find some answer of this and also to different questions of existence. Research of unaccountable layers of rock in Western Australia was made by a French team of researchers from the Institute for Global Physics in Paris. They used a technique known as nanospectroscopy to study the cores drilled from the rock formation. This region is called Pilabra, and is well-known for its rock layers, which have a shape of cones, waves and egg carton domes. Last weeks the region was full of scientists, especially palaeo-geologists from all around the world. Also these researchers have different attitudes. Some of them thought that in layers there are fossils of
bacteria, called stromatolites, which used to live in the sea or lake water at the young age of Earth. Other people think that shapes are the result of reaction between the rock and the sea water. Investigation, led by Kevin Lepot, has dated these rocks to 2.72 billion years. Another research, driven by Abigail Allwood, found out that microfossils from these rocks are 3.4 billion years old. Now we need to wait until a new study appears in February, to discover the truth.
By Sandra Stoklaskova; edited by Barbora Krajickova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
bacteria, called stromatolites, which used to live in the sea or lake water at the young age of Earth. Other people think that shapes are the result of reaction between the rock and the sea water. Investigation, led by Kevin Lepot, has dated these rocks to 2.72 billion years. Another research, driven by Abigail Allwood, found out that microfossils from these rocks are 3.4 billion years old. Now we need to wait until a new study appears in February, to discover the truth.
By Sandra Stoklaskova; edited by Barbora Krajickova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Robustná eurozóna
Trhoví analytici predpokladali, že Európska centrálna banka bude sledovať presne také isté kroky, aké robili Federálne rezervy minulý týždeň. Avšak toto nebude ten prípad. Keďže pôvodnou myšlienkou Európskej menovej únie bolo byť tak nezávislý od Spojených štátov, ako je to len možné, Európska centrálna banka neplánuje nijaké obmedzenia, kým to nebude nutnosťou kvôli domácej inflácii. Rozhodnutie ECB je založené na dvoch hlavných nezávislých úsudkoch. Po prvé, je to určené predpoveďami zamestnancov o inflácii a raste, vyhotovovanými každé štyri mesiace. Rozpätie inflácie z decembrovej prognózy bolo 1,2 až 2,4 percenta pre rok 2009, čo je výsledkom optimistickej predikcie, ako je tohtoročný pokles cien surových materiálov a energie. Preto nie je tento rok dôvod pre znižovanie miery inflácie, prihliadnuc na súčasné predpovede. ECB zvažuje ďalší dôležitý aspekt, ktorým je prieskum dôvery. Napriek tomu, že manažérske prieskumy zaznamenali pokles, nemecký Ifo index ukázal minulý týždeň silu nemeckej ekonomiky. Po druhé, rozhodnutie je určené menovými analýzami vykonávanými každé štyri mesiace. Poskytuje ich spojenie úsudkových analýz a štatistických metód. Z tejto menovej analýzy vyplynulo, že generovanie úverov v eurozóne značne rástlo až do konca novembra. Napriek tomu, že odhad z decembra stále nie je vykonaný, finančná kríza nemá žiadny viditeľný dopad na platobné toky. Okrem analýzy menovej a finančnej rovnováhy bolo vyhlásené, že bankový sektor eurozóny nie je len vitálny, ale aj obohacuje hospodárstvo o rozsiahle fondy. Keď to zhrnieme, sú veľké rozdiely medzi eurozónou, Spojenými štátmi a Spojeným kráľovstvom. Eurozóna nepriniesla žiadne zníženie domácich cien, žiadnu úverovú krízu a žiadnych klesajúcich poisťovateľov. A čo viac, neudržateľné zužovanie pôžičiek nebolo len podstatné, ale aj vysoko vítané. Eurozóna jedosť silná na to, aby zniesla akýkoľvek pokles a nemalo by sa čakať, že eurozóna urobí nejaké obmedzenia úrokovej miery.
Autor: Lenka Filipová; preklad: Ing. Barbora Krajíčková
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Autor: Lenka Filipová; preklad: Ing. Barbora Krajíčková
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Getting hip-tronic
Nowadays the Internet rules over communities all over the world, from social networks to services' sites. You can do most of your work by tapping the buttons of the computer, searching for scholarships, work, buying products, finding jobs, booking to theatre or cinema or a concert. Also most people are interested in how they get to different places and that is why they want to have a way of checking flights between cities, countries, or to book a train/bus ticket. Furthermore, there are now means of getting the desired information directly from the mobile phone. American Airlines announced on Thursday that it has upgraded its mobile Web site in order to offer customers the possibility to check in for flights and look at itineraries on their Web-enabled cell phones. Later on, the service will be expanded giving the customers the opportunity to book flights, change reservations and request upgrades from a Web-enabled device. It is expected for the service to become available in spring. The Web site of American Airlines recognizes users of mobile devices and directs them to a mobile version of, according to their official statement. The content will be more condensed than it usually is on a regular site for users of desktop or notebook computers, but in exchange it will facilitate navigation from a mobile device. An innovation in the world of cell phones and their use in everyday life, this service sound appealing and I'm looking forward to using it, as well as many others. Enjoy!
By Claudia Sonea; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
By Claudia Sonea; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Heath Ledger sa už nikdy neusmeje
Ešte nikdy som nemala problém napísať o niečej smrti, ale dnes som naozaj šokovaná. Pravdepodobne každé dievča a každá mladá žena pozná Heatha Ledgera a je len málo mužov, ktorí by ho nepoznali ako hviezdu filmu Patriot. Tak aké ťažké to muselo byť pre jeho milovaných a rodinu, keď i ja sa len ťažko viem vyrovnať s touto správou!? Heath Ledger sa narodil v austrálskom meste Perth, kde vyrastal spolu s rodičmi, banským inžinierom a učiteľkou francúzštiny. Nie je pochýb o jeho talente, keďže už ako desaťročný hral v miestnom divadle, kde dostal úlohu Petra Pana, v 16-tich začal hrávať v nezávislých filmoch v Sydney. V 19-tich rokoch sa presťahoval do Los Angeles, kde hral vo filme “10 vecí, ktoré na Tebe nenávidím” (10 things I hate about you), ktorý mu priniesol úspech a jeho tvár sa stala slávnou. Vyzeralo to, že z neho bude nový romantický typ hrdinu, ale po tejto romantickej komédii odmietol všetky ďalšie ponuky na podobné úlohy, aj keď si jeho agenti mysleli, že je bláznivý. A musím pripustiť, že urobil správne. Dnes sa nám jeho tvár spája s filmami ako “Príbeh rytiera” (A Knight´s Tale), “Ples príšer” (Monster´s Ball), “Patriot” (The Patriot) a v neposlednom rade “Skrotená hora” (Brokeback mountain), ktorý mu priniesol titul Pán herec. Vyberal si radšej nezávislé filmy, aj keď vidieť sme ho mohli napríklad aj vo filmoch “Casanova” a “Bratia Grimmovci” (The Brothers Grimm), kde síce nehral úlohu dobrého chlapca, ale jeho stvárnenie Jakuba Grimma bolo excelentné. Jeho posledným dokončeným filmom je Batman, kde si zahral úlohu Žolíka, “masového vraha, psychopatického, schizofrenického klauna s nulovou empatiou”, ako sám Ledger charakterizoval túto úlohu. O 15:30 bol tento 28-ročný herec nájdený mŕtvy v jeho apartmáne na Manhattane. Masážna terapeutka a upratovačka, ktoré ho našli, sa ho snažili oživiť, ale už bolo neskoro. Nebudem tu písať o tom, ako sa jeho telo našlo, lebo toto si môžete prečítať v každých novinách a nemyslím si, že toto je dôležitá správa. Dôležitý ale bude výsledok pitvy, ktorá je plánovaná na stredu. Až tá ukáže, prečo musel tento mladý muž, plný života zomrieť. Nemôžeme ho vrátiť späť, nemôžeme zobrať na seba žiaľ jeho rodiny. Jediné, čo môžeme a musíme urobiť, je rešpektovať súkromie jeho rodiny a nespraviť z jeho smrti predajný artikel. Odpočívaj v pokoji, Heath!
Napísala Barbora Mišáková; preklad Dana Kotorová
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
Napísala Barbora Mišáková; preklad Dana Kotorová
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
Computers run still faster
It's not possible to stop a development of computers and computer science. If you know the Moore's Law you will not be surprised by following information. The new invention of analysts and programmers will allow computers to go much faster than before. The answer is in microprocessor chips. A speed of chips is reaching almost 4 gigahertz (4 billion cycles per second) and probably it's not possible to make it higher because when the chips run faster it's heat will fry themselves. The chips with two, three or four processors are available. The idea of analysts is to add core "cores" - the copies of the processor circuity itself. The computers usually have only one processor which make all operations. With adding parallel processors could complicated applications for instance some video games run faster. Although it sounds good it's not easy to realize."Most application programs were written to run with one processor and adding parallelism is not trivial."told Tom Halfhill senior analyst for the Microprocessor Report newsletter in San Jose, California. "The typically end-user applications have no facilities for using multiply cores." he continued. For the ordinary users it will be senseless to own computers with parallel cores, because in fact they don't need it. The speed of new chips will be noticeable only with more complicated applications. Analysts predict the PC with the parallel processors will be able to reconfigure itself according the necessity. For instance when the user is playing video game some of the cores could convert themselves to graphic processors to manage the workload. The parallel chips in computers are not a brand new idea. They are used in Internet traffic or cell phone tower traffic.
By Ivana Bruderova; edited by Barbora Krajickova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
By Ivana Bruderova; edited by Barbora Krajickova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Austalia Cares
The environment should be number one on the list of priorities of every country, but it is not. Despite the fact that it is something that we all should be interested in, no government has taken any decision in this respective, except the Australian who committed on Thursday to take the plastic bags out of the market until the end of the year. Peter Garrett, currently environment minister and former lead singer with protest rockers Midnight Oil and ex-head of the Australian Conservation Foundation, told in an interview to Sky News Australia that the plastic bags are a real big problem when it comes not only to pollution, but also the aesthetic aspect of the beaches. Billions of bags are being thrown every year, causing pollution and harming native wildlife and that is why it is crucial to eliminate them. He counts on Australians supporting and at the meeting that it will take place in April with his counterparts he expects to get the implementation of the actions until the end of 2008. This move was praised by environmentalist like Environmental group Planet Ark whose spokesman Jon Dee assures that the minister has full support. On the other hand Australian Retailers Association together with its chief Richard Evans accuse the government without taking in count that the latter one was elected in November on a strong environmentalist platform that it leads a populist politics. Far from being over the matter is still pending until April. In the context that China only make shoppers to pay for the plastic bags, the initiative of Garrett is worthy of all appreciation and it is a matter of support in fulfilling it. Green power!
By Claudia Sonea; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
By Claudia Sonea; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Cantell TV: La rara arte di perdersi.
Io sono l'incoronata regina del perdere tutto.
Ogni singolo giorno dedico disperati minuti a inseguire I miei occhiali, la mia borsetta, la mia sciarpa preferita, etc. Ogni giorno c'è qualcosa che non riesco a trovare ed è forse perso per sempre. Che cosa è perfino peggio, per me non è inusuale perdermi completamente. Nè mappe, nè GPS possono essere utili. Sono assolutamente senza talento quando arriva il “senso dell'orientamento”. Strada dritta, senza girare a sinistra o destra e dopo pochi minuti non ho idea di dove sono. Sono stata dotata in così molti modi (sono brava a mantenere un segreto, per esempio), ma arrivare da qualche parte dove non sono mai stata prima è un incubo per me. E anche per la mia famiglia e gli amici perchè dedicano ore e ore provando a spiegarmi come posso arrivare dal punto A al punto B e a dispetto del loro tentativo io mi perdo immediatamente. E poi devono occuparsi delle mie sciagurate ed isteriche chiamate ed indirizzarmi al posto giusto.
Bene, questa mia spiacevole debolezza non sta solo danneggiando le mie amicizie, causa anche il fatto che sono sempre in ritardo. Fortunatamente, buone notizie stanno arrivando per i proprietari di iPhone o iPod Touch. Queste cose possono calcolare la tua posizione attraverso il segnale Wi-Fie, usando informazioni da Google possono facilmente indirizzarti. E questo è solo l'inizio.
Forse un giorno ci sarà un grande accordo con google “dove sono le mie chiavi” o “ Dove diavolo sono ora”.
Scritto da: Kamila Moravcikova; Tradotto da: Federica Paddeu.
Queste notizie vi sono inviate da Cantell TV, che e' partner tecnologico della SigEx Telecom ed il cui fondatore e' Christopher M. Cantell. Cantell Tv e' il piu' veloce crescente fornitore di radiodiffusione digitale accoppiato con maggiori comunicazioni, che consente alle persone di controllare facilmente, di vedere, di caricare e condividere contenuti digitali attraverso un'interfaccia proprietaria. Cantell TV ha rapporti con una crescente rete di clienti internazionali che inviano milioni di video al giorno con piu' di 50,000 nuovi video caricati e 200 ore di nuovi shows televisivi trasmessi giornalmente ad un'ampia gamma di visitatori, da 5 a 7 anni di LiveCartoons; da 16 a 24 anni utenti socialmente attivi di MyJumps; la fortuna che 50 clienti aziendali stiano utililzzando migliori servizi di radiodiffusione. La Cantell TV e' impegnata nel consegnare infinite scelte nel tuo mondo di intrattenimento sulla punta delle tue dita.
Ogni singolo giorno dedico disperati minuti a inseguire I miei occhiali, la mia borsetta, la mia sciarpa preferita, etc. Ogni giorno c'è qualcosa che non riesco a trovare ed è forse perso per sempre. Che cosa è perfino peggio, per me non è inusuale perdermi completamente. Nè mappe, nè GPS possono essere utili. Sono assolutamente senza talento quando arriva il “senso dell'orientamento”. Strada dritta, senza girare a sinistra o destra e dopo pochi minuti non ho idea di dove sono. Sono stata dotata in così molti modi (sono brava a mantenere un segreto, per esempio), ma arrivare da qualche parte dove non sono mai stata prima è un incubo per me. E anche per la mia famiglia e gli amici perchè dedicano ore e ore provando a spiegarmi come posso arrivare dal punto A al punto B e a dispetto del loro tentativo io mi perdo immediatamente. E poi devono occuparsi delle mie sciagurate ed isteriche chiamate ed indirizzarmi al posto giusto.
Bene, questa mia spiacevole debolezza non sta solo danneggiando le mie amicizie, causa anche il fatto che sono sempre in ritardo. Fortunatamente, buone notizie stanno arrivando per i proprietari di iPhone o iPod Touch. Queste cose possono calcolare la tua posizione attraverso il segnale Wi-Fie, usando informazioni da Google possono facilmente indirizzarti. E questo è solo l'inizio.
Forse un giorno ci sarà un grande accordo con google “dove sono le mie chiavi” o “ Dove diavolo sono ora”.
Scritto da: Kamila Moravcikova; Tradotto da: Federica Paddeu.
Queste notizie vi sono inviate da Cantell TV, che e' partner tecnologico della SigEx Telecom ed il cui fondatore e' Christopher M. Cantell. Cantell Tv e' il piu' veloce crescente fornitore di radiodiffusione digitale accoppiato con maggiori comunicazioni, che consente alle persone di controllare facilmente, di vedere, di caricare e condividere contenuti digitali attraverso un'interfaccia proprietaria. Cantell TV ha rapporti con una crescente rete di clienti internazionali che inviano milioni di video al giorno con piu' di 50,000 nuovi video caricati e 200 ore di nuovi shows televisivi trasmessi giornalmente ad un'ampia gamma di visitatori, da 5 a 7 anni di LiveCartoons; da 16 a 24 anni utenti socialmente attivi di MyJumps; la fortuna che 50 clienti aziendali stiano utililzzando migliori servizi di radiodiffusione. La Cantell TV e' impegnata nel consegnare infinite scelte nel tuo mondo di intrattenimento sulla punta delle tue dita.
Cantell TV: Another sensation in China! A skull dates back 100 000 years.
Some say,that it is the most important discovery since the Peking Man, others are more sceptical. What is a fact, is, that an almost complete human skull fossil that could date back 100,000 years was found in Xuchang, in the central province of Henan. The archeological research has taken more than two years, and the digs covered approximately 2.800 square feet. The fossil containing 16 pieces of the skull was discovered by two archeologist, who were just about to leaving for the Lunar New Year break, or the "Spring Festival". Li Zhanyang, archaeologist with the Henan Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute claimed that the fossil was burried near the mouth of a spring, that caused a high content of calcium in the relics. "More astonishing than the completeness of the skull is that it still has a fossilized membrane on the inner side, so scientists can track the nerves of the Paleolithic ancestors," quoted Li. While Henan´s relics gain more and more popularity in the media, experts seem to be more pragmatic. "It is far from the greatest judging from points such as the completeness, the time, and the significance of problems it can explain." says Wu Xinzhi, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is convinced that the relics only proved the existence of human beings in that area about 100,000 years ago more than their heads were roughly the same shape as the skull.
By Milota Sidorova; Edited by Federica Paddeu.
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
By Milota Sidorova; Edited by Federica Paddeu.
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Cantell TV: came up with free music on-demand.
On Wednesday the social music website definitely earned some good points in the eyes of music lovers.
It announced that it is introducing a new streaming service for fans which will enable them to listen to their favourite songs on-demand for free. If they want to download it onto a computer or music player they can buy it through "We are trying to make all music accessible without people having to log in or pay for it," said Martin Stiksel, founder of The project was set up in partnership with four major music companies and over 150,000 labels and artists and is funded by advertising revenue shared with these music companies. The fact that is now owned by US television network CBS Corp, which bought it last year for $280 million, helped a lot in the discussions. The move came almost six years after started to contact music companies to license songs to stream on its site. For now people using the site have to sit at their computers, but spokesman for stated that in the future the similar service should be available also on mobile phones. So whether you like Beyonce, Nickleback or Amy Winehouse the doors has just opened for you.
Better find the nearest computer and enjoy them!
By Zuzana Zelenakova; Edited by Federica Paddeu.
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
It announced that it is introducing a new streaming service for fans which will enable them to listen to their favourite songs on-demand for free. If they want to download it onto a computer or music player they can buy it through "We are trying to make all music accessible without people having to log in or pay for it," said Martin Stiksel, founder of The project was set up in partnership with four major music companies and over 150,000 labels and artists and is funded by advertising revenue shared with these music companies. The fact that is now owned by US television network CBS Corp, which bought it last year for $280 million, helped a lot in the discussions. The move came almost six years after started to contact music companies to license songs to stream on its site. For now people using the site have to sit at their computers, but spokesman for stated that in the future the similar service should be available also on mobile phones. So whether you like Beyonce, Nickleback or Amy Winehouse the doors has just opened for you.
Better find the nearest computer and enjoy them!
By Zuzana Zelenakova; Edited by Federica Paddeu.
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
The weather crisis in Europe
Europe is going through a winter crisis. This years winter took care of many systems to be out of order. People are not used to winter calamities of this character. Nobody can afford to waste a minute of precious time and this is exactly what this winter embodies "a waste of time." Slipping in front of your house, delayed bus, or closed school is not the most problematic thing that could happen to you. But imagine that you are on your way to a business trip and just arrived at the airport. Suddenly you are announced that your plane can't take off because the landing way keeps freezing. Or what if you become the leading fragment of the highway car accident? Maybe it sounds a little exaggerated but this is exactly what happens. European pavements and roads are covered by ice. Unproblematic traveling by car or by bus exchanged the chaos. The number of accidents automatically increased and hospitals have to take care of more patients than they are used to. The wave of frosty ice caused closed airports, ships unable to move because of freezing water and traffic jams at the highways. The south of Bulgaria is in the bad condition because of the freezing weather. The schools are closed and the traffic is weakened because of the enormous amount of snow. The low temperature has taken many lives already and still doesn't stop. The airport in Varna had to be closed because of the strong winter. The calamity is also reported in the Romania and on the Danube river which keeps freezing. Even in Hungary is the road traffic weakened and people are afraid to travel in these days. Slovakia is no exception, traffic jams, car accidents, and injuries, these are the most serious problems which causes the weather. The officials say, that it is not possible to avoid this situation. Because if they do something to prevent it, they can't be that sure that the temperature will get this low. In this case the prevent would be a useless waste of money.
By Daniela Simkova; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
By Daniela Simkova; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Cantell TV: Venezuela and Columbia - things are moving.
Two captives held in jungle by Colombian rebels are back in Venezuela.
After a long time, actually after 6 years of living in the jungle, Clara Rojas and her 3-year-old son are back home and very happy. When they landed in Caracas greetings were emotional.
Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan President, even hugged them and kissed when they came to the presidential palace. Rojas is one of more than 750 hostages held by FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia). She was Ingrid Betancourt's campaign manager in February 2002 when she was Colombian presidential candidate. Ingrid Bentacourt is anti-corruption activist and holder of 2 citizenships (French and Colombian). They both were kidnapped on February 23 in 2002 during campaign trail and hold for years in the jungle. While Rojas was freed Colombian rebels didn't agree with releasing Betancourt. Rojas had to endure a lot of pain and even she is free now, part of her is still in captivity & her 3-year-old son Emmanuel. He was born in jungle and is a son of one from Columbian guerillas. He couldn't go with his mother and so he stayed in the jungle with rebels. Rojas is very investigative and she knows the Koran, Jewish history etc. and when public found out she has a son Emmanuel her mother believed that it is a message from her daughter. She said: "I don't like melodrama, but I feel my daughter was sending us all a message by naming
her son Emmanuel." The second freed hostage kidnapped by FARC was Consuelo Gonzalez, a former congresswoman who was kidnapped in September 2001. Both freed women are incredibly happy and thankful to everyone, especially to president Chavez for his humanitarian gesture, but all realize that this is not the end. This is just the beginning of the very long process of liberating more than 7 hundreds hostages still held by the FARC.
By Barbora Misakova; Edited by Federica Paddeu.
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
After a long time, actually after 6 years of living in the jungle, Clara Rojas and her 3-year-old son are back home and very happy. When they landed in Caracas greetings were emotional.
Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan President, even hugged them and kissed when they came to the presidential palace. Rojas is one of more than 750 hostages held by FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia). She was Ingrid Betancourt's campaign manager in February 2002 when she was Colombian presidential candidate. Ingrid Bentacourt is anti-corruption activist and holder of 2 citizenships (French and Colombian). They both were kidnapped on February 23 in 2002 during campaign trail and hold for years in the jungle. While Rojas was freed Colombian rebels didn't agree with releasing Betancourt. Rojas had to endure a lot of pain and even she is free now, part of her is still in captivity & her 3-year-old son Emmanuel. He was born in jungle and is a son of one from Columbian guerillas. He couldn't go with his mother and so he stayed in the jungle with rebels. Rojas is very investigative and she knows the Koran, Jewish history etc. and when public found out she has a son Emmanuel her mother believed that it is a message from her daughter. She said: "I don't like melodrama, but I feel my daughter was sending us all a message by naming
her son Emmanuel." The second freed hostage kidnapped by FARC was Consuelo Gonzalez, a former congresswoman who was kidnapped in September 2001. Both freed women are incredibly happy and thankful to everyone, especially to president Chavez for his humanitarian gesture, but all realize that this is not the end. This is just the beginning of the very long process of liberating more than 7 hundreds hostages still held by the FARC.
By Barbora Misakova; Edited by Federica Paddeu.
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Impacts of the Fed interest rate cut
This early morning the Federal Reserve announced an emergency cut in interest rate. After resumed Tuesday Wall Street did its best to join in the plunge, but by finishing down by 465 points, the Dow Jones industrial average redeemed a loss of 128.1, or 1.06 percent, at 11,91.19. Previously before trading, the Fed cut its benchmark federal funds rate by 0.75 percent to 3.5 percent. Moreover, it cut the discount rate that is directly charged to banks to 4 percent. This was the response to an international stock sell-off and to all worries about a feasible U.S. recession. For the future market, that is going to be held on the following Tuesday, it is estimated that the Fed will make a cut of approximately a 0.5 point. The cut was accepted by the majority of traders but the policy of the Fed was somehow not understood that it made the call between regularly scheduled meetings of its policy-making Open Markets Committee. The long-term recovery is guessed to be attributed to comeback of the housing recovery and improvement of customer's sentiment, which makes up the crucial part of U.S. economy. The reduction in interest rates is a tool the Fed is using to make a recovery in economy. It should retrieve economy in a way that it will provide it more available, meaning more cheaper, for the business to borrow money. However, the effect is not so conducive for housing. It has mainly to do with the worries about most of adjustable-rate mortgages which are continuously increasing, and also home prices that are thought to be falling this year. The Bush administration has assumed the package for $145 billion in tax cuts and the plan to stop plummeting of mortgage. After the Fed intervention it promised to maintain the arrangement. As Dana Perino, the pres secretary, said "I am not going to close off any dors."
By Lenka Filipova; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
By Lenka Filipova; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Cantell TV: The most famous stock exchange.
Its definitely the New York Stock Exchange. When you say stock exchange the first thing you think about is the New York building. Big, old building with marble in the front.
After 9/11 there is huge American flag on the marble. You don't think about London, Tokio or Bombay stock exchange. Yes, these are important too, some of them are more powerful and bigger, but still they are not as famous as this one.
So how did it start? First original Stock Exchange in New York was, and still is, located at Wall Street, which is by the way, known as one of the richest streets in the world. Every wealthy and good company has to have their headquarters at Wall Street. So the first SE started with 24 stock brokers and that time was called New York Stock and Exchange Board. A little too long name don't you think so? They had to rent their place for 200 $, but after Great Fire in the city it was moved to temporary building. They changed the name, to these days used New York Stock Exchange. But the SE was increasing so they needed bigger place to be able to work, so they decided to build a new building. The new and now so famous building was opened in 1901, It was one of the biggest places in the city. Some buildings and floors were added later, the last one in 2000, and some trading rooms were closed, because of increasing of electronic trading.
In 1978 was the main building written to the list of national Historic Landmark, which contains buildings, structures or other object which are historic important or significant.
By Zuzana Valkova; Edited by Federica Paddeu.
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
After 9/11 there is huge American flag on the marble. You don't think about London, Tokio or Bombay stock exchange. Yes, these are important too, some of them are more powerful and bigger, but still they are not as famous as this one.
So how did it start? First original Stock Exchange in New York was, and still is, located at Wall Street, which is by the way, known as one of the richest streets in the world. Every wealthy and good company has to have their headquarters at Wall Street. So the first SE started with 24 stock brokers and that time was called New York Stock and Exchange Board. A little too long name don't you think so? They had to rent their place for 200 $, but after Great Fire in the city it was moved to temporary building. They changed the name, to these days used New York Stock Exchange. But the SE was increasing so they needed bigger place to be able to work, so they decided to build a new building. The new and now so famous building was opened in 1901, It was one of the biggest places in the city. Some buildings and floors were added later, the last one in 2000, and some trading rooms were closed, because of increasing of electronic trading.
In 1978 was the main building written to the list of national Historic Landmark, which contains buildings, structures or other object which are historic important or significant.
By Zuzana Valkova; Edited by Federica Paddeu.
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Heath Ledger will never smile again
I had never had such a problem to write about someone's death, but today I am really shocked. Probably every young girl and woman knows Heath Ledger, and I would say there are only few men who wouldn't know him as a star from The Patriot movie. So how shocking it must be for his loved ones and family when even I am not able clearly take this fact into consideration!? Heath Ledger was born in 1979 in the Australian city of Perth, where he also raised with his parents &mining engineer and a French teacher. There is no doubt about his talent & as 10 year-old he played in a local theater company where he got a role of Peter Pan, in the 16th year of life he started with acting in independent movies in Sydney. In the age of 19 he moved to Los Angeles and acted in "10 things I hate about you" what brought him a success and his face became famous. He looked as a new romantic type of a hero, but after this romantic comedy he refused all other offers although his agents thought he is crazy. And I have to admit he did it right. These days his name and face reminds us movies such as "A Knight's Tale", "Monster's Ball", "The Patriot" and last but not least "Brokeback mountain" which brought him a status of Mr. Actor. He chose rather independent movies, but we could see him also in "Casanova" and "The Brothers Grimm" where even if he didn't play handsome guy, his role of Jacob Grimm was managed excellently. His final finished movie is Batman where he got a role of Joker & "psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy" as Ledger himself characterized this role. At 3.30 p.m. was this 28 year-old actor found in his apartments in Manhattan dead. The massage therapist and housekeeper who found him tried to revive him, but it was too late. I don't want to write about the way his body was found, because you can read it in every other newspaper, and I don't think this information is important. Important will be only result of the autopsy which is planned for Wednesday, only then we will know why this young and life-loving man had to die. We couldn't bring him back, we couldn't help to bear the sorrow of his family, but all we can and should do is to respect the family's privacy and do not make of this tragic loss saleable article. Rest in peace Heath!
By Barbora Misakova; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
By Barbora Misakova; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Cantell TV: No liquids...and no lithium batteries as well.
The travelling conditions especially for those going from the United States will apparently worsen caused by the latest restrictions of the U. S. government. The fact not even predicted few years ago seems to become true nowadays. Who would have ever calculated with the ban to carry liquids on the board? And at the present it tends to be common, furthermore, not only throughout the U. S. The newest rule states: no lithium batteries in your checked luggage. Weird? The explanation is as following. The introduced in-flight regulations should reduce a possible danger of fires on the plane. The restrictions commanded by the U. S. Department of Transportation have become effective since January 1st. As mentioned, passengers are not permitted to carry more than two loose batteries. However, the code applies only to batteries containing between 9 to 24 grams of equivalent lithium content, while these must be packed in separate plastic bags.
First of all, companies producing cell phones as well as notebooks started to worry about the case. Although the circumstances seem to deteriorate their business, the anxiety of theirs fortunately isn't the issue. Most lithium-ion cell phones and standard notebook batteries don't exceed the level of eight grams of lithium and consequently they aren't affected by the regulations. Another interesting fact shows that the specification whether the rule applies just to the U. S. citizens or to anyone departing from the U. S. hasn't been solved yet.
Although the causes for these restrictions are claimed to be safety issues, there is another possible reason & the matter of security. The story that terrorists hide bombs in college textbooks with detonators in the lithium-ion batteries of various electronics isn't just a wholly fictional plot. Unfortunately, such arrangements are becoming true still more and more. No nail scissors, no liquids and now no batteries. Despite their harmless appearance, the use of them amends all the time. Up-to date weapons.
By Martina Harvanova; Edited by Federica Paddeu
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
First of all, companies producing cell phones as well as notebooks started to worry about the case. Although the circumstances seem to deteriorate their business, the anxiety of theirs fortunately isn't the issue. Most lithium-ion cell phones and standard notebook batteries don't exceed the level of eight grams of lithium and consequently they aren't affected by the regulations. Another interesting fact shows that the specification whether the rule applies just to the U. S. citizens or to anyone departing from the U. S. hasn't been solved yet.
Although the causes for these restrictions are claimed to be safety issues, there is another possible reason & the matter of security. The story that terrorists hide bombs in college textbooks with detonators in the lithium-ion batteries of various electronics isn't just a wholly fictional plot. Unfortunately, such arrangements are becoming true still more and more. No nail scissors, no liquids and now no batteries. Despite their harmless appearance, the use of them amends all the time. Up-to date weapons.
By Martina Harvanova; Edited by Federica Paddeu
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
SigEx SuperPBX, SAS annuncia la crescita equivalente fiscale per il 2007
Equivalenza in euro 347 milioni:
Inviata attraverso un`alta crescita di reti sociali
Parigi, 18 Gennaio -- SigEx SuperPBX, SAS (ISIN: FR0004192540)
Consegna di un flusso di radiodiffusione digitale nei confronti del piu' nuovi e innovativi sistemi di rete digitale, un innovatore in due modalita' di interazione sociale, oggi sono stati annunciati i risultati finanziari per l'anno finanziario 2007.
SigEx SuperPBX combina sistemi rivoluzionari di radiodiffusione da grandi operatori media con una rafforzata capacita' telecom, che include video-camere, quattro diversi modi di video-conferenza, integrati servizi telefonici, comunicazioni attraverso sms che consegnano la griglia sociale dei partner della rete sociale all'utente.
“ Questo e' stato un trimestre caratterizzato da una dinamica accelerazione per l'intrattenimento della proprieta' sociale”, dice Frederic Artru, presidente della SigEx e capo operativo funzionario. “ La nostra attenzione sulla strategia del “soddisfare o cancellare” continua a guidare la rete”, dice Chris Cantell, capo esecutivo funzionario della SigEx. “ Noi siamo molto soddisfatti relativamente a come una buona qualita' di intrattenimento e' offerta all'ultima esperienza dell'utente”.
Sommario Finanziario
Il record totale registrato dalla SigEx SuperPBX e' equivalente a euro 347 Milioni per l'anno finito il 30 Settembre 2007, maggiore del 118% comparato all'anno finanziario 2006. Il quarto trimestre ha contribuito al 19% della crescita totale equa per l'anno fiscale 2007. L'equivalenza e' riportata sulle basi di un lordo di rete.
Evidenze Finanziarie
Prezzo delle azioni – Il prezzo delle azioni e' terminato nell'anno finanziario 2007 a euro 30.80, un incremento del 117% dal prezzo delle azioni di euro 14.20 alla fine dell'anno finanziario 2006 e del 440% rispetto al prezzo delle azioni di euro 5.50 per l'anno finanziario 2005.
Crescita equivalente – La crescita equivalente nell'anno finanziario 2007 ha totalizzato un record di euro 188 milioni, che rappresentano il 96% di aumento rispetto alla crescita equivalente dell'anno finanziario 2006 di euro 96 milioni, e il 652% di aumento rispetto alla crescita equivalente dell'anno finanziario 2005 pari a euro 25 milioni. La crescita equivalente dell'ultimo trimestre dell'anno 2007 ha totalizzato euro 98 milioni, il 27% in piu' dall'ultimo trimestre dell'anno 2006 di euro 77 milioni. La crescita e' stata guidata attraverso la continua espansione delle reti sociali dei partners.
Riguardo alla SigEx SuperPBX, SAS
La SigEx SuperPBX sta diventando velocemente la leader di un flusso di radiodiffusione digitale e “how-to” fornitore di successo per le nuove reti telecom di comunicazione sociale, che offre: parlare, vedere, caricare e dividere video clips attraverso la Tv online in radiodiffusione, siti web, blogs, video-mails e SMS rafforzati da comunicazioni da telefoni cellulari a internet. SigEx Telecom consente illimitate comunicazioni voce e video gratis per una moltitudine di utenti online e I suoi servizi sono usati nella maggior parte dei paesi del mondo.
Tradotto da Federica Paddeu
Cantell TV
Queste notizie vi sono inviate da Cantell TV, che e' partner tecnologico della SigEx Telecom ed il cui fondatore e' Christopher M. Cantell. Cantell Tv e' il piu' veloce crescente fornitore di radiodiffusione digitale accoppiato con maggiori comunicazioni, che consente alle persone di controllare facilmente, di vedere, di caricare e condividere contenuti digitali attraverso un'interfaccia proprietaria. Cantell TV ha rapporti con una crescente rete di clienti internazionali che inviano milioni di video al giorno con piu' di 50,000 nuovi video caricati e 200 ore di nuovi shows televisivi trasmessi giornalmente ad un'ampia gamma di visitatori, da 5 a 7 anni di LiveCartoons; da 16 a 24 anni utenti socialmente attivi di MyJumps; la fortuna che 50 clienti aziendali stiano utililzzando migliori servizi di radiodiffusione. La Cantell TV e' impegnata nel consegnare infinite scelte nel tuo mondo di intrattenimento sulla punta delle tue dita.
Inviata attraverso un`alta crescita di reti sociali
Parigi, 18 Gennaio -- SigEx SuperPBX, SAS (ISIN: FR0004192540)
Consegna di un flusso di radiodiffusione digitale nei confronti del piu' nuovi e innovativi sistemi di rete digitale, un innovatore in due modalita' di interazione sociale, oggi sono stati annunciati i risultati finanziari per l'anno finanziario 2007.
SigEx SuperPBX combina sistemi rivoluzionari di radiodiffusione da grandi operatori media con una rafforzata capacita' telecom, che include video-camere, quattro diversi modi di video-conferenza, integrati servizi telefonici, comunicazioni attraverso sms che consegnano la griglia sociale dei partner della rete sociale all'utente.
“ Questo e' stato un trimestre caratterizzato da una dinamica accelerazione per l'intrattenimento della proprieta' sociale”, dice Frederic Artru, presidente della SigEx e capo operativo funzionario. “ La nostra attenzione sulla strategia del “soddisfare o cancellare” continua a guidare la rete”, dice Chris Cantell, capo esecutivo funzionario della SigEx. “ Noi siamo molto soddisfatti relativamente a come una buona qualita' di intrattenimento e' offerta all'ultima esperienza dell'utente”.
Sommario Finanziario
Il record totale registrato dalla SigEx SuperPBX e' equivalente a euro 347 Milioni per l'anno finito il 30 Settembre 2007, maggiore del 118% comparato all'anno finanziario 2006. Il quarto trimestre ha contribuito al 19% della crescita totale equa per l'anno fiscale 2007. L'equivalenza e' riportata sulle basi di un lordo di rete.
Evidenze Finanziarie
Prezzo delle azioni – Il prezzo delle azioni e' terminato nell'anno finanziario 2007 a euro 30.80, un incremento del 117% dal prezzo delle azioni di euro 14.20 alla fine dell'anno finanziario 2006 e del 440% rispetto al prezzo delle azioni di euro 5.50 per l'anno finanziario 2005.
Crescita equivalente – La crescita equivalente nell'anno finanziario 2007 ha totalizzato un record di euro 188 milioni, che rappresentano il 96% di aumento rispetto alla crescita equivalente dell'anno finanziario 2006 di euro 96 milioni, e il 652% di aumento rispetto alla crescita equivalente dell'anno finanziario 2005 pari a euro 25 milioni. La crescita equivalente dell'ultimo trimestre dell'anno 2007 ha totalizzato euro 98 milioni, il 27% in piu' dall'ultimo trimestre dell'anno 2006 di euro 77 milioni. La crescita e' stata guidata attraverso la continua espansione delle reti sociali dei partners.
Riguardo alla SigEx SuperPBX, SAS
La SigEx SuperPBX sta diventando velocemente la leader di un flusso di radiodiffusione digitale e “how-to” fornitore di successo per le nuove reti telecom di comunicazione sociale, che offre: parlare, vedere, caricare e dividere video clips attraverso la Tv online in radiodiffusione, siti web, blogs, video-mails e SMS rafforzati da comunicazioni da telefoni cellulari a internet. SigEx Telecom consente illimitate comunicazioni voce e video gratis per una moltitudine di utenti online e I suoi servizi sono usati nella maggior parte dei paesi del mondo.
Tradotto da Federica Paddeu
Cantell TV
Queste notizie vi sono inviate da Cantell TV, che e' partner tecnologico della SigEx Telecom ed il cui fondatore e' Christopher M. Cantell. Cantell Tv e' il piu' veloce crescente fornitore di radiodiffusione digitale accoppiato con maggiori comunicazioni, che consente alle persone di controllare facilmente, di vedere, di caricare e condividere contenuti digitali attraverso un'interfaccia proprietaria. Cantell TV ha rapporti con una crescente rete di clienti internazionali che inviano milioni di video al giorno con piu' di 50,000 nuovi video caricati e 200 ore di nuovi shows televisivi trasmessi giornalmente ad un'ampia gamma di visitatori, da 5 a 7 anni di LiveCartoons; da 16 a 24 anni utenti socialmente attivi di MyJumps; la fortuna che 50 clienti aziendali stiano utililzzando migliori servizi di radiodiffusione. La Cantell TV e' impegnata nel consegnare infinite scelte nel tuo mondo di intrattenimento sulla punta delle tue dita.
SIGEX SUPERPBX, SAS oznamuje nárast majetku za fiškálny rok 2007
Majetok 347 miliónov euro: Získaný cez sociálne siete s vysokým rastom
PARÍŽ, 18. januára /PRNewswire/ -- SigEx SuperPBX, SAS (INSIN: FR0004192540) dodávajúci digitálne vysielanie do najnovších a najcoolovejších digitálnych sociálnych sietí, inovátor v globálnej dvojsmernej interakcii, dnes oznámil finančné výsledky za účtovné obdobie 2007.
SigEx SuperPBX kombinuje revolučné vysielacie služby od veľkých mediálnych spoločností so zvýšenou telekomunikačnou kapacitou, vrátane videomiestností, štvorsmernou videokonferenciou, integrovanými telefónnymi službami, SMS komunikáciou dodávajúcou užívateľovi sieť partnerskej sociálnej siete.
"Toto bol veľmi dynamický štvrťrok, čo sa týka kvality spoločenskej zábavy", vyjadril sa Frederic Artru, prezident a hlavný operačný referent SigEx-u . "Naše zameranie na stratégiu "meet or delete" pokračuje v poháňaní siete", dodal Chris Cantell, hlavný výkonný referent SigEx-u. "Veľmi nás teší, ako dobrá kvalitná zábava ponúka užívateľovi nezabudnuteľný zážitok."
Finančné zhrnutie
SigEx SuperPBX zaznamenal rekordnú hodnotu celkového majetku v sume 347 miliónov euro za rok končiaci 30. septembrom 2007, čo je 118% v porovnaní s účtovným obdobím 2006. Štvrtý štvrťrok prispel 19% celkovému rastu majetku v účtovnom období 2007. Majetok sa vykazuje za celú sieť.
Finančné zaujímavosti
Cena akcie -- Cena akcie na konci účtovného obdobia 2007 vzlietla na hodnotu 30,80 euro, čo znamená nárast o 117% oproti roku 2006, kedy cena jednej akcie predstavovala 14,20 euro, a nárast o 440% oproti cene akcie 5,66 euro v roku 2005.
Nárast majetku -- Nárast majetku za účtovné obdobie 2007 zaznamenal rekord 188 miliónov euro, čo znamená 96%-ný nárast oproti roku 2006, kedy nárast majetku predstavoval 96 miliónov euro a 652%-ný nárast oproti nárastu majetku v hodnote 25 miliónov euro v roku 2005. Nárast majetku za posledny kvartál roku 2007 predstavoval 98 miliónov euro, čiže o 27% viac ako v poslednom kvartáli 2006, kedy bol nárast 77 miliónov euro. Rast bol sprevádzaný kontinuálnou expanziou partnerských socilánych sietí.
Niečo o SigEx SuperPBX, SAS
SigEx SuperPBX sa rýchlo stáva lídrom v digitálnom vysielaní a úspešným providerom "ako na to" pre inovatívne sociálne komunikačné a telekomunikačné siete, ponúkajúc: hovory, prehliadky, nahrávanie a zdielanie videoklipov prostredníctvom on-line televízneho vysielania, webové stránky, blogy, videopoštu a rozšírenie komunikácie o SMS z mobilných telefónov na Internet. SigEx Telecom umožňuje neobmedzenú bezplatnú hlasovú komunikáciu a videokomunikáciu pre množstvo ľudí on-line a jeho služby sa využívajú takmer v každej krajine po celom svete.
Preklad: Barbora Krajíčková
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
PARÍŽ, 18. januára /PRNewswire/ -- SigEx SuperPBX, SAS (INSIN: FR0004192540) dodávajúci digitálne vysielanie do najnovších a najcoolovejších digitálnych sociálnych sietí, inovátor v globálnej dvojsmernej interakcii, dnes oznámil finančné výsledky za účtovné obdobie 2007.
SigEx SuperPBX kombinuje revolučné vysielacie služby od veľkých mediálnych spoločností so zvýšenou telekomunikačnou kapacitou, vrátane videomiestností, štvorsmernou videokonferenciou, integrovanými telefónnymi službami, SMS komunikáciou dodávajúcou užívateľovi sieť partnerskej sociálnej siete.
"Toto bol veľmi dynamický štvrťrok, čo sa týka kvality spoločenskej zábavy", vyjadril sa Frederic Artru, prezident a hlavný operačný referent SigEx-u . "Naše zameranie na stratégiu "meet or delete" pokračuje v poháňaní siete", dodal Chris Cantell, hlavný výkonný referent SigEx-u. "Veľmi nás teší, ako dobrá kvalitná zábava ponúka užívateľovi nezabudnuteľný zážitok."
Finančné zhrnutie
SigEx SuperPBX zaznamenal rekordnú hodnotu celkového majetku v sume 347 miliónov euro za rok končiaci 30. septembrom 2007, čo je 118% v porovnaní s účtovným obdobím 2006. Štvrtý štvrťrok prispel 19% celkovému rastu majetku v účtovnom období 2007. Majetok sa vykazuje za celú sieť.
Finančné zaujímavosti
Cena akcie -- Cena akcie na konci účtovného obdobia 2007 vzlietla na hodnotu 30,80 euro, čo znamená nárast o 117% oproti roku 2006, kedy cena jednej akcie predstavovala 14,20 euro, a nárast o 440% oproti cene akcie 5,66 euro v roku 2005.
Nárast majetku -- Nárast majetku za účtovné obdobie 2007 zaznamenal rekord 188 miliónov euro, čo znamená 96%-ný nárast oproti roku 2006, kedy nárast majetku predstavoval 96 miliónov euro a 652%-ný nárast oproti nárastu majetku v hodnote 25 miliónov euro v roku 2005. Nárast majetku za posledny kvartál roku 2007 predstavoval 98 miliónov euro, čiže o 27% viac ako v poslednom kvartáli 2006, kedy bol nárast 77 miliónov euro. Rast bol sprevádzaný kontinuálnou expanziou partnerských socilánych sietí.
Niečo o SigEx SuperPBX, SAS
SigEx SuperPBX sa rýchlo stáva lídrom v digitálnom vysielaní a úspešným providerom "ako na to" pre inovatívne sociálne komunikačné a telekomunikačné siete, ponúkajúc: hovory, prehliadky, nahrávanie a zdielanie videoklipov prostredníctvom on-line televízneho vysielania, webové stránky, blogy, videopoštu a rozšírenie komunikácie o SMS z mobilných telefónov na Internet. SigEx Telecom umožňuje neobmedzenú bezplatnú hlasovú komunikáciu a videokomunikáciu pre množstvo ľudí on-line a jeho služby sa využívajú takmer v každej krajine po celom svete.
Preklad: Barbora Krajíčková
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
SIGEX SUPERPBX, SAS oznamuje nárůst majetku za fiskální rok 2007
Majetek 347 milionů euro: Získaný přes sociální sítě s vysokým růstem
PAŘÍŽ, 18. ledna /PRNewswire/ -- SigEx SuperPBX, SAS (INSIN: FR0004192540) dodávající digitální vysílání do nejnovějších a nejcoolovějších digitálních sociálních sítí, inovátor v globální dvousměrné interakci, dnes oznámil finanční výsledky za účtovní období 2007.
SigEx SuperPBX kombinuje revoluční vysílací služby od velkých mediálních společností se zvýšenou telekomunikační kapacitou, včetně videomístností, čtyřsměrnou videokonferencí, integrovanými telefonními službami, SMS komunikací dodávající uživateli síť partnerské sociální sítě.
"Tohle byl velmi dynamický čtvrtrok, co se týče kvality společenské zábavy", vyjádřil se Frederic Artru, prezident a hlavní operační referent SigEx-u . "Naše zaměření se na strategii "meet or delete" pokračuje v pohánění sítě", dodal Chris Cantell, hlavní výkonný referent SigEx-u. "Velmi nás těší, jak dobrá kvalitní zábava nabízí uživateli nezapomenutelný zážitek."
Finanční shrnutí
SigEx SuperPBX zaznamenal rekordní hodnotu celkového majetku v hodnotě 347 milionů euro za rok končící 30. zářím 2007, což je 118% v porovnání s účtovním obdobím 2006. Čtvrtý čtvrtrok přispěl 19% celkovému růstu majetku v účtovním období 2007. Majetek se vykazuje za celou síť.
Finanční zajímavosti
Cena akcie -- Cena akcie na konci účtovního období 2007 vzlétla na hodnotu 30,80 euro, co znamená nárůst o 117% oproti roku 2006, kdy cena jedné akcie představovala 14,20 euro a nárůst o 440% oproti cene akcie 5,66 euro v roku 2005.
Nárůst majetku -- Nárůst majetku za účtovní období 2007 zaznamenal rekord 188 milionů euro, co znamená 96%-ný nárůst oproti roku 2006, kdy nárůst majetku představoval 96 milionů euro a 652%-ný nárůst oproti nárůstu majetku v hodnotě 25 milionů euro v roku 2005. Nárůst majetku za posledný kvartál roku 2007 představoval 98 milionů euro, teda o 27% více než v posledním kvartáli 2006, kdy byl nárůst 77 milionů euro. Růst byl provázen kontinuální expanzí partnerských sociláních sítí.
Něco o SigEx SuperPBX, SAS
SigEx SuperPBX se rychle stáva lídrem v digitálním vysílaní a úspěšným providerem "jak na to" pro inovativní sociální komunikační a telekomunikační sítě, nabízející: hovory, prohlídky, nahrávání a sdílení videoklipů prostřednictvím on-line televizního vysílání, webové stránky, blogy, videopoštu a rozšíření komunikace o SMS z mobilních telefonů na Internet. SigEx Telecom umožňuje neomezenou bezplatnou hlasovou komunikaci a videokomunikaci pro množstvo lidí on-line a jeho služby se využívají téměř v každé zemi po celém světě.
Překlad: Barbora Krajíčková
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
PAŘÍŽ, 18. ledna /PRNewswire/ -- SigEx SuperPBX, SAS (INSIN: FR0004192540) dodávající digitální vysílání do nejnovějších a nejcoolovějších digitálních sociálních sítí, inovátor v globální dvousměrné interakci, dnes oznámil finanční výsledky za účtovní období 2007.
SigEx SuperPBX kombinuje revoluční vysílací služby od velkých mediálních společností se zvýšenou telekomunikační kapacitou, včetně videomístností, čtyřsměrnou videokonferencí, integrovanými telefonními službami, SMS komunikací dodávající uživateli síť partnerské sociální sítě.
"Tohle byl velmi dynamický čtvrtrok, co se týče kvality společenské zábavy", vyjádřil se Frederic Artru, prezident a hlavní operační referent SigEx-u . "Naše zaměření se na strategii "meet or delete" pokračuje v pohánění sítě", dodal Chris Cantell, hlavní výkonný referent SigEx-u. "Velmi nás těší, jak dobrá kvalitní zábava nabízí uživateli nezapomenutelný zážitek."
Finanční shrnutí
SigEx SuperPBX zaznamenal rekordní hodnotu celkového majetku v hodnotě 347 milionů euro za rok končící 30. zářím 2007, což je 118% v porovnání s účtovním obdobím 2006. Čtvrtý čtvrtrok přispěl 19% celkovému růstu majetku v účtovním období 2007. Majetek se vykazuje za celou síť.
Finanční zajímavosti
Cena akcie -- Cena akcie na konci účtovního období 2007 vzlétla na hodnotu 30,80 euro, co znamená nárůst o 117% oproti roku 2006, kdy cena jedné akcie představovala 14,20 euro a nárůst o 440% oproti cene akcie 5,66 euro v roku 2005.
Nárůst majetku -- Nárůst majetku za účtovní období 2007 zaznamenal rekord 188 milionů euro, co znamená 96%-ný nárůst oproti roku 2006, kdy nárůst majetku představoval 96 milionů euro a 652%-ný nárůst oproti nárůstu majetku v hodnotě 25 milionů euro v roku 2005. Nárůst majetku za posledný kvartál roku 2007 představoval 98 milionů euro, teda o 27% více než v posledním kvartáli 2006, kdy byl nárůst 77 milionů euro. Růst byl provázen kontinuální expanzí partnerských sociláních sítí.
Něco o SigEx SuperPBX, SAS
SigEx SuperPBX se rychle stáva lídrem v digitálním vysílaní a úspěšným providerem "jak na to" pro inovativní sociální komunikační a telekomunikační sítě, nabízející: hovory, prohlídky, nahrávání a sdílení videoklipů prostřednictvím on-line televizního vysílání, webové stránky, blogy, videopoštu a rozšíření komunikace o SMS z mobilních telefonů na Internet. SigEx Telecom umožňuje neomezenou bezplatnou hlasovou komunikaci a videokomunikaci pro množstvo lidí on-line a jeho služby se využívají téměř v každé zemi po celém světě.
Překlad: Barbora Krajíčková
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
CantellTV Presents: Merrill Lynch and his $6.6 billion investment
The world of finances is full of instability and it is determined by many factors. One of them is also investments. These days the most disputed investment goes from Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. which decided to get a fresh investment of $ 6.6 billion to three foreign investment groups. Merril Lynch is a company providing market services, bank investments, insurance and lot of related services worldwide. These days with its more than 700 offices in almost 40 countries is the world's leading financial company. The number of its client assets - $1.5 trillion says everything. After bad bets in the mortgage market Merrill Lynch lost billions of dollars but nowadays it invested more than $6 billion to long-term investors & the Korean Investment Corp., Kuwait Investment Authority and Mizuho Corporate Bank. As John A. Thain,chairman and CEO of Merrill Lynch said : "...balance sheet is strong, and these transactions make certain that Merrill Lynch is well capitalized." Merrill Lynch reckons Middle East as one of the fastest growing world regions and believe their cooperation with Kuwait Investment Authority will help to grow their presence in this area. Also cooperation with Mizuho Corporate Bank looks like a good move as they have extensive client base not only in Japan but also in China what could bring a very productive collaboration. Korean Investment Corp. manages part of foreign assets in the international financial markets and have also plumb less meaning for Merrill Lynch investments. According to statements of these three investment groups they are all satisfied with the cooperation, even though they will be just passive investors and none of them will have a right to control the way of Merrill Lynch's governance. They will get a 9 % dividend and they will be able to convert their class of stock to common shares in a time of more than two years. Although this investments brought up new questions and controversies Anthony Sabino, a professor of law from St. John's University, claimed that this move is not a panic one, on the contrary it is "a very smart and strategic capital move."
By Barbora Misakova; Edited by Katarina Nemcokova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
By Barbora Misakova; Edited by Katarina Nemcokova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
CantellTV Presents: Amazon as virtual DJ
Music companies, bands and singers, all their work and songs are closely connected to the Internet & all their repertoire and hard work can be easily sold for few cents. In 2004 when Apple and PepsiCo Inc. started to cooperate on legal music downloads and started with iTunes they job ran new way of fighting against music piracy. Now the similar fight is starting by Now Pepsi is going to start a big partnership with Amazon and as they said, they are prepared to invest more on its advertising campaign than before. The first kick from Amazon and Pepsi will be done by Justin Timberlake, Grammy winner and R&B singer who will appear in Pepsi's spot. For Amazon will this arrangement mean even more as they are going to become a major music player. Amazon launched new music store and started to sell only tunes in mp3 format which can be just downloaded, burned and then played on most portable devices. Although sales of digital tracks in last year rose, album sales declined and therefore Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group and Sony BMG Music Entertainment chose Amazon instead of iTunes for selling their DRM-free songs. The basic problem was that Apple wasn't able to do anything with declining album sales, but Amazon offers a solution. While Apple's iTunes allows to download each song just for fixed price 99 Cents, Amazon allows flexibility so music companies are allowed to control sales of their virtual property. During the time when Apple and music companies will be trying to solve their mutual financial terms Amazon can take advantage of it and fix its position in the sector of virtual music industry. Market consumer who is interested in downloading DRM-free songs doesn't want any problems and complications and that's why he will use services of that virtual agent who's library will not be full of DRM-protected songs. As Amazon and Pepsi are working with the basic value which is choice, this will not only help them with achieving better position on the music market, but also allure new digital music shoppers. Lets see how Amazon manages this situation and if it is able to give better satisfaction to big music companies than Apple's iTunes.
By Barbora Misakova; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
By Barbora Misakova; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Attack of bark beetles in Rocky Mountains
More than 1.5 million acres of lodgepole pines were destroyed in Colorado's Rocky Mountains by bark beetles lately and the infestation will probably continue. Bark beetles are parasitic insects usually living inside of rotten, droughty, dieing trees, which can help to destroy already sick trees in the forest. Sometimes they spread very fast and uncontrollably and get into health trees as well. Enormous spreading of bark beetles in health forest means catastrophe then. Infestation of bark beetles can be caused by global warming factors such as warm weather during the winter and very dry climate in the areas where the standard is wetness. Driving through the forest where half of trees are eaten from the inside and dieing right in front of you is very sad and you feel powerless and so small because insects even smaller than you are, are able to take all the beauty of the woods away and you can not find the way how to get rid of them. Laws of nature are much stronger than laws in human mankind society, because there are no rules, no expectations, no preventive measures we could use. When tornado comes or floods are going through the whole continent we can not just reverse this processes, we can only accept them and deal with the consequences. Officials in Colorado do not have power to kill the bark beetles but they can think about how to deal with the sickness of the forest, how to border the possibility of wider infestation in the Rocky Mountain and how to manage life after beetles are gone and forest is no more useful.
By Natalia Holvova; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
By Natalia Holvova; edited by Dana Kotorova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.
Who would like to visit Mercury?
Many poets wrote about universe and its endless beauty, but only few people could really reach it and see it with their own eyes. Man is too conscious not to try anything to reach what no one ever tried before. He is even able to build up spacecraft and fly in it about 5 billion miles to reach his destination. These days NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) wants to get closer to another object of its interest - Mercury. Mercury is the planet known for its closeness to the sun and it is about 48 000 000 miles away from Earth and so it is the nearest planet to the sun. Other facts which scientists already know about Mercury are that this planet is moving around the sun faster than any other planet, and a man can hardly see it from the Earth without using a telescope. Mercury is also extremely dry and hot planet because of the sun which rays on Mercury 7 times as strong as on the Earth. There is no wonder why scientists are so interested in this planet and try to find out as many information as they can. The NASA is constantly working on research of this planet and their efforts have finally achieved success. This success has its name - Messenger. The Messenger is a spacecraft built by Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory which cost $286 million and was launched in 2004. It will make the first flyby to Mercury in three decades; the last one was fulfilled on March 16, 1975 by Mariner 10. Messenger has satellite, which with its 2 442 pounds (more than 1000 kilogram) should move around Mercury three times and then set into orbit. This is expected in 2011. In meantime it will make more than 1200 images, show that side of the planet which was never seen before and also provide other important information about it. Scientists want to understand how Earth, Venus and Mars are formed and what interactions with the sun they have. Satellite should also study composition of Mercury, its interior structure and magnetic field. As the lab's project scientist for the Messenger mission, Ralph McNutt, said, all these dates should arrive on Earth on Tuesday.
Let's see what new we will find out!
By Barbora Misakova; edited by Barbora Krajickova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
Let's see what new we will find out!
By Barbora Misakova; edited by Barbora Krajickova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
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