World greenhouse gas emissions are rising faster and impacts on oceans and the atmosphere are worse than scientists thought. We are all contributing with or without this knowledge. The majority of us probably knows how the acid rains arise or why is the ozone hole systematically growing, but how many of us have ever came with a single constructive idea and turned it into a helpful reality? New York City Major Michael Bloomberg proposed a national "pollution pricing" plan in the beginning of this month. He thinks the government should tax the companies directly for the greenhouse gasses they are releasing. He suggested a fee of $15 for every ton of greenhouse gas companies emit, with the money used to reduce payroll taxes and finance tax credits for companies that reduce their greenhouse gas pollution. George W. Bush put USA in the bad light after turning down the Kyoto Protocol in the beginning of his presidency in March 2001. His biggest concern was a fear about the country financial damage. This selfish gesture brought about the expected effect. Emissions in America have continued to rise and are now 11% higher than in 1990, even though when they did temporarily sign up to Kyoto, they promised a 6% reduction. The need for a solid solution made the USA sit to the same table right next to China. These two world biggest oil consumers had decided to work on a plan of reducing the greenhouse emissions and creating the pact on biofuels, American officials announced on Friday. This first agreement between Washington and Asia will be particularly discussed at the meeting of the Strategic Economic Dialogue, an economic and trade forum being held December 12th of this year.
Written by Romana Schlesingerova Edited by Zuzana Tylkova
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